18 Jan 2010

Topell Energy of Netherlands to construct 60,000 tonne/annum biomass torrefaction plant using TORBED Energy Technologies

18-Jan-2010 - Topell Energy of the Netherlands was granted a worldwide license in 2008 to use the TORBED Technology for converting biomass into ‘biocoal’ pellets. A demonstration plant was established by Topell in 2009 and tonnage samples have been successfully produced. With funding from RWE Innogy, the first full scale production plant, with a production capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year, is now in manufacture for installation during 2010 at Duiven in Eastern Holland. Biocoal pellets have a very high energy density as well as significantly improved product properties and can be burned together with coal in conventional power plants (co-firing).

The process developed by Topell can be applied to various raw organic materials - even comparatively difficult biomass, such as roots and switch grass, are converted into pellets through mild pyrolysis, torrefaction, using the TORBED Reactor technology and finally, pelletisation.

The production process guarantees high flexibility with the regard to the raw material used; it is therefore unnecessary to draw on foodstuffs. Biocoal is also easy to transport. For co-firing with conventional coal, no further infrastructure measures, e.g. separate storage or crushing, are required.

8 Jan 2010

TORBED biomass gasification technology selected for first Polish district heating station retrofit

08-Jan-2010 - City Thermal Power Plant (MZEC) in Swidnica, Poland, has signed an agreement with a consortium of companies, MTS Energy Systems, to install a new technology that allows the heating station to generate heat from the gasification of biomass. The cost of this first plant in Europe amounts to nearly 7 million PLN. Although the gasification of biomass to produce heat energy is increasingly widespread, the ‘multi-fuel’ capability to be supplied and installed by MTS has not yet been used on any other heating stations. Planning work on the project has taken 2 years to date.

The MTS Energy Systems consortium of companies, Mostostal (Polish), Torftech (English) and SFUP Servis (Polish), is to design and construct the new biomass gasification facility to handle loose straw and wood chips. Installation is due to be complete in six months. It is the first stage of investment in the generation of electricity and heat from biomass.

Financial resources for the investment at MZEC, aside from its own capital resources, has been secured from a grant from the Foundation EcoFund and from the National Fund for Environmental Protection.

“The main objective of the new technology is heat production based on biomass gasification. We want to replace coal with oilseed rape and wheat straw, or wood and wood waste. Through this use of renewable energy sources we will limit air pollution in the city. It will not only be a benefit for residents in the form of cleaner air, but also a chance to limit price increases for their heating. Thanks to this new technology, our company will save on fees for release of CO2 into the atmosphere” - said Ryszard Sobanski, President MZEC in Swidnica, as quoted on the official site of the town of Swidnica.
Source: wnp.pl (Patricia Lash)