3 Apr 2019

A baby in the family!

03-Apr-19 The largest ever TORBED processor installation is a bank of T6000 units, with an internal diameter of 6 metres, for scrubbing HF from an aluminium smelter exhaust gas each TORBED unit handling ± 250,000 m3/h of gas. Working with the University of Newcastle, we have now gone to the other extreme and created a T50 TORBED processor with an internal diameter 50mm. It will be used to screen adsorbent materials for carbon capture as part of an EPSRC collaboration with Heriot Watt and Sheffield Universities.

This is the first TORBED processor not fabricated principally from metal. This “micro” processor is no more than 12cm in height. 3D printed in high temperature polymer it enables rapid screening of sorbents at temperatures over 200°C and at pressures of 3 bar. Although substantially smaller than typical industrial TORBED units, the ‘correct’ and unique swirling flow formulation of the TORBED processor is preserved at this small scale. It illustrates perfectly the Torftech technology’s qualities of low resource use, high specific throughputs, flexibility and high process efficiency.

22 Mar 2019

Large scale biomass drying continues to grow in Poland

22-Mar-19  TORBED processors make both economic and environmental sense.  Typically smaller and lighter than competing equipment, it takes less resource to make and operate them.  Their simplicity means that nearly all of them are remotely operated, saving on manpower cost.   Their accuracy gives process control, consistent quality output and reduced energy consumption.

These qualities are illustrated by the growing fleet of TORBED biomass driers in Poland.  The latest two to be installed, the fifth and sixth, have been brought into operation.  These large 4.5m diameter TORBED driers are each capable of handling up to 10 tonnes per hour of biomass at 50% moisture content.   Most of the feed for these latest systems will be sawdust, demonstrating again our technology’s abilities with fine materials.

We expect more of these systems to be installed between now and the end of 2019.

22 Feb 2019

A production line of TORBED Mineral Processors

22-Feb-19 This is the first time we have seen a production line of mineral processors being constructed. These units which are to be applied to the exfoliation, or puffing up, of vermiculite are state of the art as they were when first introduced. The technology uses less energy, produces a better exfoliated product and does not release fines into the environment. Each plant saves 150 tonnes of CO2 per year from being emitted to atmosphere - what's not to like!